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<넬슨>에서-라나여사에게 보낸 편지

맑은 바람 2017. 2. 26. 08:06

To Mrs. Lana


How do you do?

I'm Sunsik Yong from Korea.

I heard about you from Mrs. Yang.

I feel, you are very polite and nice.

My husband and I are staying Nelson now.


Tomorrow morning we are going to Hanmer Springs and stay there till 04- March-17.

And then I'm going to your Homestay.

I hope our meeting is greatful.


You want to know our favorite food.

No problem!

But if you want to know, my husband likes seafood and spicy foods.


So far we stayed backpackers and we made our foods everyday.

And My husband can use Google Map so he can also go wherever he wants.

We are already reserved bus tickets to Christchurch.


We are going to arrive at <Outside Bus Interchange on Lichfield Street near Colombo Street> 

on Sunday 05-March-17 4:20pm

I hope to meet you at there.

Soon, see you!



Good morning Sunsik, I'm so happy to hear from you! Thanks for photos , you're a very nice-looking couple.

I look forward to meeting you at the bus exchange next Sunday, and hosting you at my home.

I will chat with you during the week in case you have any requests or thoughts on anything I can prepare

in advance .

Meanwhile, enjoy your sight seeing, and travel safely. See you soon!!!